Plant Spirit Medicine – My good friend Teasel

I have such reverence for the green-beings and

I’ve always loved being out in nature and observing the wonderful green aura of the plant world.  I always knew that there was something magical and deeply healing about being amongst the forests, grasslands and amidst the flowers.  I am blessed to come from a family that loved the countryside and a grandmother who taught me the names of flowers and trees.

My most profound healing experience with plants came six years ago when I received an invitation to attend Pam Montgomery’s Greenbreath day workshop at the School where I once learnt Crystal Healing.  It meant a four hour drive for me, but something was calling me, I was very curious and felt that this workshop would be very important.

Pam is a fantastic lady.  A herbalist and teacher who delivers the message of plant spirit communication in both practical terms all backed up with scientific evidence.  We were given a lecture and then asked to go outside to find the plant that was calling us today.  The emphasis being on which plant was calling to us, not which one we wanted for ourselves.

It was explained that it was of no importance if we didn’t know what the plant was called, after all, a name is just someone else’s statement, or an identification in Latin.  I took a deep breath, engaged my gut feelings and followed my heart feeling drawn to the little stream that ran through the garden and turned around to a large damp, darkish area where there were a variety of lush green long leafed plants growing.  It was early April and so there were not many flowers around except some small primroses and a few daffodils.  It was cold and damp.  I looked at this prolifically leafy foliage now again as they moved, stirred gently by a slight breeze.  Surely, my plant was not one of these, I thought – they looked so, primeval.  I approached them and I felt a flutter in my heart, a sense of excitement which surprised me.  I bent down to look closer and saw that there were two types of plant here and one looked really astonishing – its pointed green leaves appeared to have barbs on them – I touched it and knew instantly that this was my plant!  Instantly I thought,  ‘its not pretty, it can’t be!’  Immediately I felt sorry for having thought that this wonderful, spikey, primeval greenbeing that had called to me on this special day to connect with me, could be anything less than pretty wonderful.  I looked closely at it, I didn’t know its name, but decided to call it John Spikey.  I knew nothing about this plant – I gazed at it with innocence and wonder but somehow knew that although all there was to be seen of it in April was a bunch of newly sprouting pointed, barbed green leaves, I sensed that it would grow very tall and produce an amazing purple flower like a thistle.  teasel leaves

I settled into the connection, spreading my bin bag on the ground for protection from the damp and laid next to it, listening for its sound, its song – what did this strange plant have to tell me?  I entered into the daydreaming with my plant, taking into my conscious and subconscious the whisperings of the plant spirit – it gave me a song, I felt honoured and sang it back to my plant.  I knew in that moment, we were connected for life!

Next, we had a quick lunch, Pam was very keen to begin again and get on with the greenbreath transformational journeying.  I had no idea what deep healing and release was in store.  We made ourselves comfortable on the floor with blankets, cushions etc.  We were shown how to breath a rhythmic wavelike breath with no gaps between in and out breath.  We had to do this and were lead through several pieces of very evocative music which was designed to help us awaken, recognise and release our stuck stuff, inviting our plant spirit who now resided within our very being to breath with us, to move within us, to become one.

During this experience, I knew that at some point I had immersed into something, a consciousness that I had long forgotten about – afterwards I knew I had come home.  I felt more complete, the experience was deeply profound – like a soul retrieval.  The insights and emotions I experienced were like nothing before – we were encouraged to draw an impression of our journey.

Teasel is a wonderful, no nonsense, brave, stand up for yourself wise wise being.  She is like a grandmother who holds you gently but firmly encouraging you to be yourself – to stand in your truth – open your eyes to your wisdom and your own inner-seeing.  teasel flower

Teasel and I are now good friends.  Whenever teasel is around, I can sense her even before I see her with my eyes.  Her spirit lives within and I can call upon her strength whenever I need it.  Teasel was the first plant spirit I connected to and since then there have been many more profound connections and journeys.  So this is why I have such reverence for the greenbeings of our planet.  Not only do we rely upon them for our very breath itself, but we should listen to them for their consciousness is as advanced if not more, than ours.

Plant spirit communication and greenbreath journeying is part of our Edenic States retreat to be held in a wonderfully beautiful, shamanic setting in Mexico this September.  What wonderful plants are calling us on? Find out more about the retreat here.

I am very grateful to Pam Montgomery for sharing her knowledge and enthusiasm for healing with the Green beings.  Take a look at her website here 

Gwyneth Robbins-Cox, March 23rd 2016


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