I’m Rhosalaria,
and I want to share with you – the magic of Crystals!
I feel so very privileged to have helped so many people through the healing energies of crystals and to help many on their pathway to becoming crystal healers around the world! Crystals and Healing is truly my dharma.
Here’s part of my story. I first came to crystals 21 years ago. I was living in The Highlands of Scotland and knew of a Crystal Therapist, who lived nearby. One day, I was feeling out of sorts and my intuition told me to go and get a Crystal Healing treatment, I was feeling quite emotional at the time, but afterwards I felt so happy, whole, calm and able to cope with a new home and the stresses of life, in fact, I felt on top of the world!
I came back to crystals a couple of years later after another major juncture in my life. I had decided to do a Crystal Therapy course, after meeting a Crystal Therapist who worked alongside me in my Therapy shop – called In~spiration. The Diploma lasted for 2 years. I had no idea then, how crystals would change my life!
Recent divorce had really brought me down and I was lacking in confidence and direction. I was a little sceptical even though I ha
d experienced the power of crystals already! Over the two years of working constantly with many different crystals and doing more than 100 case studies – my life began to change. I became more confident, I felt re-connected to who I am as a person and the path I wanted and needed to be on. My sense of spirituality was strengthened but better still, I was walking my talk.
I began teaching about Healing, reflexology, colour therapy and crystal healing in Adult Education and in 2008 I founded The Crystal Heart School of Crystal Healing. My own professional diploma course adheres to a strict core curriculum content similar to that of ACHO and offers over 180 hours of tutor led learning. Crystal Heart also teaches an Online Crystal Healing Practitioner Certificate.
Crystals are so amazing! Even though crystals are abundantly available – many people still don’t really know how to connect with them and the full potential of their energy.
Crystals can offer us deep insights, as well as healing and help us to be more connected to our truth. They truly are an amazing gift to us – and we can learn so much when we work with them with respect and integrity.
We can learn so much from crystals and I’m really excited to share that gift with you here!
For more information on My Story and Crystal Tips Listen here to a podcast interview I guested for in December 2017 with Charlene Thompson of Gemstone Love.
To bring the story fully up to date. I am delighted to say that I am a Soul Medium and able to offer Soul Readings to you anywhere in the world. This recent journey has reconnected me at a very deep level to my own Souls Path and wisdom for which I am truly grateful for. I have come full circle. Click here to learn more about Soul Mediumship.